Navigating the Editor

Your Website Editor is a very powerful tool with a simplistic approach to organising data. Everything is within only a click or 2 at most. In this article, we will explore navigating the main sections of the editor and related articles will dive deeper into specific elements.

The website editor is split into 4 basic parts:

  • Pages

  • Collections

  • Forms

  • eCommerce

Pages Tab

Your website pages can be split into 2 types. There are the Static pages and Collections (dynamic) pages.

Static Pages

A static page is the ones we build like your Home, about and contact pages. You can edit any content on static pages by changing images, headings, paragraphs and links. All you need to do is log into your editor and click on the object you want to change and you will be able to edit it.

Collections (Dynamic) pages

A Collections page is based on the information you enter into the next tab in your editor, Collections. These pages are built off a template to meet your needs and the data is filled out from a connected Collection.

To learn more about pages and how to edit them, including SEO settings, please visit our Pages article.

Collections Tab

Collections are an extremely useful tool, a collection is a database of information you want on your site. For example, if you have 10 staff members, we create a database called a Collection of their information for the website. Then we can add that information to multiple places across the site like the Teams page and attach people to any dedicated Services they offer. We can also use the Team Collection as Authors to a blog post meaning multiple collections can reference each other.

To learn more about Collections, please visit our Collections Article.

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